Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hello Edinburgh!

What a day it has been! I'm in Edinburgh now and it is simply wonderful. Scotland is just as beautiful as I imagined. I had to laugh at myself as I boarded the plane with my newly exchanged euros... to a country that uses pounds... classic. lol. I knew my luck was changing however as "Blades of Glory" played on the plane. As we went through customs into Glasgow, those with European passports were in one line and us Canadians were in another. They really didn't need passports... everyone with a cowboy hat and new boots was definitly Scottish.

In Edinburgh, I cruised the Royal Mile and drank in the stone buildings. The shops reminded me of Robson street, but in nicer buildings... perhaps this is where back to school shopping with take place? After dodging about 150 shops selling the popular combo of kilts/cashmire scarfs/celtic jewelery, I made my way to Edinburgh castle which was magnificent to say the least. My hostel is terrific with a great mix of people and I washed down my dinner with good Scottish Stout. What more could a gal want?

Must hit the sack now, as I have big plans for tomorrow including catching the new HP! (Don't worry Christie, we'll watch it again together!)

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