Sunday, July 15, 2007

Flying High in the Isle of Sky

Just arrived in the Isle of Sky this afternoon and what a sight. So green, and the shore line is amazing. You would not believe the number of sheep here! We were in Oban this morning and it was one of the most charming places I have even seen! Lots of sailing boats and cute storefronts.

On the way to the Isle, we passed Ben Nevus (the highest mtn in the UK) and a couple of pretty cool castles. Being here makes me want to learn more about my ancestory and find my clan! Thanks to Carleigh for pointing me in the right direction.

We had a laugh at the weather reporting at our hostel in Sky; On the 1st day, the weather report was "sunshine warning" and on the second day the report was "very good changing to very bad." HAH! Later than day (during the change from good to bad) we stopped at the Saligchan River; by holding your face underwater for 7 seconds you can ensure eternal beauty. Watch out Canada!

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